덤핑의류Stock clothes

국산 냉감티셔츠 12000장 덤핑 cold t-shirts 콜드티,쿨티셔츠

블루웰777 2017. 3. 9. 12:46


Stock lots are merchandise of last seasons,overruns,surplusproduction,

store and customer returns.
These different types of stocklots are processed by ourexperienced sorting team.
The goods are divided by brand and quality degree.
Throughout the sorting we make the best possible mixture with  differentarticle groupsof each collection.
After processing,the goods will be packed in bales and prepared for sale

If you have a interesting ,pls do not hesitate  contact with us !!

블루웰 Bluewell

C,P : 010-3760-8959

카톡kakao talk :bluewell777

wechat :bluewell777

skype :bluewell777



국산 입니다 , 총 약 12000장 긴팔 약 9500장 반팔 약 2500장

칼라 다양  ,발렌시아 냉감티셔츠 ,